Ballo Del Fiore

(for 4 or 5)

A dance from  "Nobiltà di Dame" by Fabritio Caroso, reconstructed by Joanna of the Beechwoods (Joanna Keenan)

Note 1: Caroso's earlier book, "Ill Ballarino" contains 2 versions of Ballo del Fiore (Dance of the Flower) one for 2 and one for 3 dancers. This single version is for 4 or 5 dancers.

Note 2: #8bars means the end of a repeat of the 8 bars of music.

The dance begins with the First Gentleman in the middle of the floor.

He does:      1 Riverenza lunga                 [4 bars]
                      2 Continenzi brevi LR  *1     [2 bars each]          #8bars

He then approaches the first lady he wishes to ask to dance with:

                      4 Seguiti semidoppii ornati LRLR         [2 bars each]     #8bars

He then, as a polite greeting, does:

                     2 Passi puntati brevi LR Forwards   [2 bars each]
                     1 Riverenza lunga                               [4 bars]           #8bars

- doffing and replacing his hat or cap during the Riverenza.

He then allows the lady one repeat of the music to rise from her seat and prepare to dance (#8bars). Alternatively, the lady can prepare to dance during the Riverenza lunga, which is easily enough time.

Then, while taking usual hands, they both do:

                    1 Riverenza lunga                   [4 bars]
                    2 Continenzi brevi LR             [2 bars each]          #8bars

At the start of the next repeat of the music, still holding hands, they move out onto the floor together, towards the head of the hall, by doing:

                    4 Seguiti semidoppii ornati LRLR     [2 bars each]          #8bars

During the last of these the First Gentleman positions the First Lady by moving their joined hands through a semi-circle so that she ends facing him.

The Gentleman then politely takes his leave, doffing and replacing his hat or cap if any, doing:
                    2 Continenzi brevi LR             [2 bars each]
                    1 Riverenza lunga                   [4 bars]            #8bars

He then invites another lady to dance by the same procedure, beginning from the first 4 Seguiti semidoppii ornati, placing her to the left of the first Lady. That is, the Lady’s left, the Gentleman’s Right. The Gentleman alone does the final 2 Continenzi brevi, but then all 3 dancers do the final Riverenza lunga together.

The Gentleman can then ask another Lady to dance, if he wishes, by following the same procedure as for the second Lady, up to and including the Riverenza lunga by all the dancers, and placing the third lady with the others in a line, beside the second Lady.

The First Gentleman then must ask another Gentleman to dance by the same procedure as he has used for the ladies, up to and including the Riverenza by all the dancers and placing the Gentleman on his own right. If the Gentlemen do not wish to hold hands, polite gestures by 1st Gent would be sufficient to position 2nd Gent.


Proceeding with 4 Dancers

Lady 1         Lady 2                 Gentleman 1                      Gentleman 2

The dancers should now be positioned as in the diagram below.
They all do:
1 Riverenza lunga              [4 bars]
2 Continenze brevi LR      [2 bars each]                  #8bars

Starting at the beginning of the next repeat of the music and using four
Seguiti semidoppii ornati [2bars each] the dancers pass by left shoulders and turn
to face one another as shown below.
They may have to separate a little to allow one another to pass.

By the second step of the second Seguito the dancers should be in one straight line.

and this second Seguito ends with a slight bend of the knees, similar to a mezza Riverenza
& the Gentlemen doff their hats.

With the second two Seguiti the dancers go past one another and turn by their left shoulders to
end up facing back the way they came (#8bars), but further away from each other than before -

so that they can return to the original distance apart with the following:

    2 Passi puntati brevi LR Forwards          [2 bars each]
    Riverenza lunga                                    [4 bars]           #8bars

Starting at the beginning of the next repeat of the music the dancers repeat this whole section so as to return to their places – see diagrams below. Of course this also takes two repeats of the music.



For the reasoning behind this reconstruction from this point to the next  -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-, see *2

At the beginning of the next repeat of the music Gentleman 1 approaches Lady 1 while Gentleman 2 approaches Lady 2,
   both Gentlemen doing: 4 Seguiti semidoppii ornati     [2 bars each]    #8bars

They must leave themselves & the ladies enough space for all of them to do, in the next repeat of the music:
            2 Passi puntati brevi LR   Forward            [2 bars  each]
                                 1 Riverenza lunga                                        [4 bars]                     #8bars

In the next repeat of the music M1 & L1 take right hands and do the following (as do M2 & L2):
        2 Passi semibrevi  LR                                   [1 bar each]
                             1 Seguito semidoppio ornato L                       [2 bars]

Then they turn on the spot, take left hands and return with:
       2 Passi semibrevi  RL                                   [1 bar each]
                             1 Seguito semidoppio ornato R                   [2 bars]                         #8bars

Then the dancers let go of hands and each Gentleman approaches the Lady he has not yet turned with:
4 Seguiti semidoppii ornati LRLR               [2 bars each]
                               while the ladies turn about 900 left to face them.                          #8bars

The Gentlemen must leave themselves & the ladies enough space to then do together in the next repeat of the music:
       1 Riverenza lunga                                         [4 bars]
                              2 Passi puntati brevi LR Forward               [2 bars each]           #8bars

Then the couples take hands and go around one another as described above, ending by turning so as to be ready to pass one another as in the diagram below.                                                                                                             #8bars

They then pass one another and continue towards opposite sides with:
    4 Seguiti semidoppii ornati LRLR        [2 bars each]
                                                                                   turning during the last one so as to face one another.  #8bars

Then all do:

2 Continenze brevi                       [2 bars each]
1 Riverenza lunga                         [4 bars]           #8bars


Then the ladies and gentlemen approach one another, still in lines, with:

4 Seguiti semidoppii ornati LRLR done flankingly  [2 bars each] #8bars
2 Passi puntati LR brevi                                      [2 bars each]
1 Riverenza lunga                                               [4 bars]           #8bars

Then in the next repeat of the music Gentleman 1 presents the Lady of his choice with the flower. (#8bars)
It is she who will lead the dance now.
Note: Caroso recommends that Gentleman 1 should choose the Lady whom he first asked to dance i.e. Lady 1.

Starting at the beginning of the next repetition of the music the two Gentlemen should return the remaining Lady to her place with:

4 Seguiti semidoppii ornate                [2 bars each]        #8bars
2 Passi puntati brevi LR Forwards       [2 bars each]
1 Riverenza lunga                              [4 bars]           #8bars

This is the end of the dance for them.

At the same time the Lady who has been given the flower begins the dance all over again, choosing 2 or 3 Gentlemen and a Lady to dance with her and in the end choosing a Gentleman to receive the flower. In this way they can continue until all have danced who wish to. (See the note about musicians at the end of “Proceeding with 5 Dancers”)


Proceeding with 5 Dancers

Lady 1         Lady 2             Lady 3                       Gentleman 1           Gentleman 2

The dancers should now be positioned as in the first diagram below.

They all then do:
       1 Riverenza lunga                  [4 bars]
                                2 Continenze brevi LR           [2 bars each]             #8bars

Starting at the beginning of the next repeat of the music and using 4 Seguiti semidoppii ornati (2bars each)
the dancers pass by left shoulders and turn to face one another as shown below.
The dancers may have to separate a little to allow one another to pass.

By the second step of the second Seguito the dancers should be in one straight line
and this second Seguito ends with a slight bend of the knees similar to a mezza Riverenza & the Gentlemen doff their hats.

With the second two Seguiti the dancers go past one another and turn by their left shoulders to end up facing back the way they came #8bars, but further away from each other than before,

so that they can return to the original distance apart with the following:

    2 Passi puntati brevi LR Forwards          [2 bars each]
    Riverenza lunga                                    [4 bars]           #8bars

Starting at the beginning of the next repeat of the music the dancers repeat this whole section so as to return to their places – see diagrams below. Of course this takes two repeats of the music.



For the reasoning behind this reconstruction from this point to the next  -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-, see *2

At the beginning of the next repeat of the music Gentleman 1 approaches Lady 1 while Gentleman 2 approaches Lady 2,
both Gentlemen doing 4 Seguiti semidoppii ornati     [2 bars each]    #8bars

They must leave themselves & all the ladies enough space to then do together in the next repeat of the music:
        2 Passi puntati brevi LR   Forward     [2 bars each]
                                   1 Riverenza lunga                                 [4 bars]                     #8bars

In the next repeat of the music M1 & L1 take right hands and do the following (as do M 2 & L2) :
            2 Passi semibrevi LR                    [1 bar each]
                              1 Seguito semidoppio ornato L     [2 bars]

Then  they turn on the spot, take left hands and return with:
            2 Passi semibrevi RL                    [1 bar each]
                               1 Seguito semidoppio ornato R   [2 bars]                    #8bars

Then the dancers let go of hands and M1 turns to approach L3 and M2 turns to approach L1.
        They use 4 Seguiti semidoppii ornati LRLR        [2 bars each],
                                           while the ladies 1 & 2 turn about 900 left.                             #8bars

The Gentleman must leave themselves & all the ladies enough space to then do together in the next repeat of the music:
            2 Passi puntati brevi LR   Forward     [2 bars each]
                                      1 Riverenza lunga                                  [4 bars]                     #8bars

Gentleman 1 and Lady 3, Gentleman 2 and Lady 1 then circle one another as described above.

Then the dancers let go of hands and M1 turns to approach L2 and M2 turns to approach L3.

They use 4 Seguiti semidoppii ornati LRLR                                                                             [2 bars each]
while the lady 3 turns about 900 left and Lady 1 uses 4 Seguiti semidoppii ornati LRLR              [2 bars each]
to move away from the other dancers toward the gentlemen’s side of the floor,
turning to face back the way she came during the last of the 4 Seguiti.
She then waits there for the other ladies to join her.                              #8bars

The Gentleman must leave themselves & Ladies 2&3 enough space to then do together in the next repeat of the music:

2 Passi puntati brevi LR   Forward        [2 bars each]
1 Riverenza lunga                               [4 bars]                                  #8bars

Gentleman 1 and Lady 2, Gentleman 2 and Lady 3 then circle one another as described above, ending by letting go of hands and turning so as to be ready to pass one another as described below.

After letting go of hands they pass one another by right shoulders and continue towards opposite sides with:

4 Seguiti semidoppii ornati LRLR [2 bars each], turning during the last one so as to face one another. #8bars

Then all dancers do:

2 Continenze brevi   [2 bars each]
1 Riverenza lunga    [4 bars]       #8bars


Then the ladies and gentlemen approach one another, still in lines, with:

4 Seguiti semidoppii ornati LRLR done flankingly         [2 bars each]     #8bars
2 Passi puntati LR brevi                                            [2 bars each]
1 Riverenza lunga                                                     [4 bars]           #8bars

Then in the next repeat of the music Gentleman 1 presents the lady of his choice with the flower.#8 bars It is she who will lead the dance now.
Note: Caroso recommends that Gentleman 1 should choose the Lady whom he first asked to dance.

Starting at the beginning of the next repetition of the music the two Gentlemen should return the remaining Ladies to her place with:

4 Seguiti semidoppii ornati                  [2 bars each]          #8bars
2 Passi puntati brevi LR Forwards        [2 bars each]
1 Riverenza lunga                               [4 bars]           #8bars
This is the end of the dance for them.

At the same time the Lady who has been given the flower begins the dance all over again, choosing 2 or 3 Gentlemen and a Lady to dance with her and in the end choosing a Gentleman to receive the flower. In this way they can continue until all have danced who wish to.


Adaptations to Suit the Amount of Time Likely to be available

Once Only Version

The dance can be done once through by one or more sets of 4 or 5, ending with the Gentlemen leading the Ladies off of the floor together, finishing with two Continenze and a Riverenza.

The person who begins each set may carry 3 or 4 flowers and present them to their two partners at the end, or the flowers may be dispensed with altogether.

Proposed Cumulative Version

After the first time through the dance the first Gentleman divides a bunch of flowers amongst himself, the other Gentleman and the Ladies.  (Or the Lady divides it amongst herself, the other Lady and the Gentlemen, of course)

All the dancers then proceed to take three or four new partners in the way the Gentleman does in the original version. The initial Riverenza lunga and two Continenzi brevi

Note Regarding Musicians: Each repetition of this dance will, if done by 4 dancers, consume 38 repetitions of this 8 bar piece of music, if done by 5, 48 repetitions. Even when the dance is to be done only once, extreme politeness is recommended in dealing with musicians and advice from the Maestro/a di Ballo as to when the dance is about to end is advisable. When the dance is to be repeated, cosseting of musicians is mandatory. Locally sorbet has been found to be very welcome.

A Left Seguito semidoppio ornato

On the first beat of the bar, take one step forward on the toe of the left foot.
On the second beat, take one step forward on the flat of the right foot.
On the third beat, take one step forward on the flat of the left foot and on the final third of the beat, put the toe of the right foot behind the heel of the left, with the right heel raised.
On the fourth beat, raise your left foot as well, keeping your left leg and body straight (i.e. pushing up with your right foot), then come down on the flat of your left foot keeping your right foot poised to take the next step.

A Right Seguito semidoppio ornato ending with a slight bend of the knees, similar to a mezza Riverenza

On the first beat of the bar, take one step forward on the toe of the left foot.
On the second beat, take one step forward on the flat of the right foot.
On the third beat, bend your knees a little - about as far as you can and still comfortably straighten them in the time of the next beat.
On the fourth beat, straighten your knees.

*1  Like Ballo del Fiore for 3, this dance definitely begins with the left.

*2   Between here and the Seguiti semidoppii ornati done flankingly near the end of the dance Caroso's description of the dance is confusing, partly, at least, because not all of what he says can apply to both the version for 4 and the version for 5. Below is a list of points which I think are clear. My reconstruction takes all of these into account and where I am not sure what was intended I have come down on the side of giving everyone something interesting to do.

• Gentleman 1 approaches the Lady who stands at the right of the other, they then do the circling-while-holding-hands section of the dance.

Caroso doesn't specify where Gentleman 1 places the ladies relative to each other at the beginning of the dance. In the version for 3 in Il Ballarino the gentleman places the second lady to the left of the first lady. In my reconstruction of that dance I have taken this as the lady's left, the gentleman's right, and for consistency's sake in this reconstruction I have him place the second and any third lady in the same way.

Thus the abovementioned approach would be to Lady 1.

• In the time while the first are taking hands Gentleman 2 has approached (it does not say who) with the same passeggio and actions.

It seems reasonable to make him approach Lady 2 at the same time as Gentleman 1 approaches Lady 1.

• When Gentleman 1 takes the other lady, Gentleman 2 takes the first.

When there are four dancers this is a simple swap and repeat of the circling-while-holding-hands section. When there are 5 I have taken into account all the previous points while giving every lady two opportunities to circle with a gentleman (both gentlemen get 3 turns) while also including the point below.

• When the first lady has finished dancing with the second gentleman she goes to the place in the end of the hall where the gentlemen were.

I have taken that to mean the side of the dance where the gentlemen start and can't see how it would be necessary when there are only four dancers. This action is only necessary if the other dancers still have something to do when the first lady does not, which fits in with my interpretation of the swapping of the gentlemen between the various ladies in the version for 5.

• The Gentlemen also go to the place of "them". The other ladies, when everyone has finished their actions, go to the place near the first of the line.

In the version for 5 I have the remaining ladies go to stand in a line with Lady 1 when they have finished their last turn at the circling-while-holding-hands section. At the same time the gentlemen go to the side where the ladies started.
I have the same thing happening in the version for 4, with Ladies 1&2 leaving together at the same time as the men, as Lady 1 is never left with nothing to do.

Return to the list of dances.